Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cuban American Family Of Six Children - 1222 Words

Chavez who born in March 31, 1927 in Yuma, Arizona, in a Mexican-American family of six children, had always a huge sense of connection with the land and the people who work hard of build the life by farming the land. His family owned a grocery store and a ranch, but their land was lost during the Great Depression of 1930s, which was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century. During that time his family s home was taken away after his father had agreed to clear eighty acres of land in exchange for the deed to the house, an agreement which was subsequently broken. Later, when Chavez s father attempted to purchase the house, he could not pay the interest on the loan and the house was sold back to†¦show more content†¦Later, he would say, The love for justice that is in us is not only the best part of our being but it is also the most true to our nature. Then my story with Caser Chavez starts from here, and I think it would be very useful if I sta rt to describe the historical path of Modern Mexican-American movement in order to make a sense of Chavez legacy. From different historical resource we learned that the origins of Mexican Americans in the United States today go back to the days of the Spanish who first came to Mexico and then expanded north into the Southern United States, especially into the Southwest. While The Mexican Revolution in 1810 drove the Spanish out of Mexico and Mexican territory, the Mexican War from 1846 to 1848 ended Mexican control of the Southwest, and this is what explains the process of forming another American minority that so called Mexican Americans, and like any other minority of that era, they suffered losing power, land, and wealth. To stand against inequality, injustice, and discrimination, we, as Mexican Americans, formed different organizations that to take a collective actions in order to achieve our goals of equality, justice, and civil rights. For example the Confederacion de Uniones de Obreros Mexicanos (CUOM) was formed in 1927 in Los Angeles. It proved to be the first really stable organization among Mexican workers. They organized three thousand workers into twenty locals, and in 1928 they struck in the Imperial Valley.

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